Keeping the air inside our homes clean and healthy is something we should all be concerned about. After all, we spend most of our time indoors and the air quality inside our homes can often be worse than outside.

Studies have shown that the air in our homes can be up to 2-5 times more polluted than the air outside. This is due to a variety of sources including dust, pet dander, cleaning chemicals, mould, and more. So what can you do to keep your home's air healthy and safe? 

Air Quality:

The most important solution is to open windows!
Simple but effective, this will ensure that stale air (along with its pollutants) is moved through the house and replaced with oxygen rich, fresh air. 

Opening window

Opening your windows for as little as five minutes a day can make a huge difference so even in winter when it’s chilly, you can still create a healthier air quality without catching a cold! Banish indoor pollution with something that takes mere seconds.

Dust and Vacuum:

Keeping your house spic and span with regular vacuuming and dusting is one way to make your home's air quality better. Don't forget all the hard-to-reach places. Pet owners should make sure they give their furry friends regular baths and trim their fur too - that'll help cut down on the allergens.


Plant power:

Another great place to start is to invest in some great and well-chosen house plants. The right ones can detoxify your home and clean the air you breathe.

Adding plants to your space can improve air quality and even reduce stress.

Some great plants for helping to create healthy air are peace lilies, spider plants, aloe vera, and English ivy. These plants can help to filter out toxins from the air while also adding some natural beauty to your surroundings. 

And if you're looking for an all-rounder, you can't go wrong with a Spider Plant. They're good at fighting off toxins like carbon monoxide and other solvents you'll find in your day-to-day life. 

Another great choice is Aloe Vera which is perfectly placed on a sunny kitchen windowsill and purifies air of the toxins found in things like detergents and varnishes.

Spider Plant

Synthetic fragrance:

How we fragrance our home also has an impact on the air quality. If you want to make your home smell nice without all the synthetic fragrances, a brilliant way to keep the air clean is to switch out your regular candles for beeswax ones. Beeswax candles are fabulous because they are natural, non-toxic, and have a sweet, honey-like scent and beeswax particles actually help to clean the air instead of polluting it. 

beeswax candles

Another option when scenting your home is to use essential oil diffusers for a natural fragrance, as well as their additional benefits. Eucalyptus and rosemary, for example, can reduce dust mites, while tea tree oil has antibacterial properties. Lavender is a calming scent, and peppermint can help to boost energy levels!

You can also add essential oils to a spray bottle filled with water to create your own natural air freshener. 


A surprisingly common issue when it comes to indoor air pollution, and it's not something to ignore. Fungus releases spores that can be incredibly harmful to those with allergies or asthma, making it difficult to breathe. 

mould in room

In order to avoid mould, it's important to keep your home as dry as possible. This means keeping an eye on humidity levels, repairing any leaks or water damage, and using exhaust fans in areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. It's also important to regularly clean and check for any signs of mould. 

Mould is most often found in bathrooms or unventilated rooms, but it can also hide in other places if the environment is damp and warm. To prevent mould from becoming a problem in your home, make sure you keep your home well ventilated, and get it checked regularly. Additionally, you should check for any leaks or cracks that could be allowing moisture to get into the home. Repairing any of these issues quickly can help prevent mould from becoming a problem. 

If you do find it, it's best to hire a professional to properly remove it, as attempting to do it yourself can spread the spores. Finally, you should try to improve air circulation by opening windows when possible or using air conditioning and dehumidifiers. 

Cleaning Products

Now finally let's talk cleaning products, a huge source of indoor pollution!

There is no law forcing manufacturers to declare the ingredients of cleaning products, so you may think you're safe when you do your weekly cleaning. But don't be fooled! All those bright bottles under the sink contain a lot of hazardous chemicals and toxins, which can seriously damage your health and increase air pollution in your home. Instead, why not switch to natural, plant-based alternatives?

At Colt & Willow we really do care about helping to make your home as healthy as possible by reducing the amount of toxins and pollutants in the air, making your home a healthier place to live. Plus, you can feel good about using products that are better for the environment. So why not make the switch today and give your home a cleaner, greener future? 

They will give you the same great cleaning power, but without any danger to your health or your home's air quality - win win!

So if you want to make sure your house has top-notch air quality, then these tips will help you out. With hidden hazards coming from both natural and man-made sources, it's so important to do what you can to combat indoor pollution. And you'll be the one to benefit! 


Reminder here are our key takeaways:

  1. Keep It Clean: One of the best ways to improve air quality is to keep your home clean and dust-free. Vacuum and dust regularly. 

  2. Skip the chemical-filled fragrances and go for beeswax products or diffusers instead. That's the way to go! 

  3. Reduce Humidity: High levels of humidity can lead to an increase in mold, mildew, and dust mites, which can all affect air quality. Consider investing in a dehumidifier to reduce the amount of moisture in your home. 

  4. Why bother with chemical cleaners when you can go natural? Natural cleaning products are way better for the planet and you. Plus, your home will smell so much more pleasant and clean! 

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